CreativeDesign: Tomato Cage Plant Stand

Posted by Creative-Explosion | 1:31 PM

This Creative madness came from my inability to find a plant stand that I liked and even if I did like it, it wasn't in the price range I was willing to pay. My search for materials that could be used for this contraption took me far and wide - ikea, lowes, home depot and my little storage of junk I keep in the hope that I may use them one day. My eyes finally fell upon a clump of metal in the garden center of a major drug store. I had no clue what it was...The label read "Tomato Cage". Price: $1.99. Still clueless about why a tomato plant may need a metal cage( hey, I have never grown tomatoes..geez how am I suppose to know). I saw potential in the contraption that had three wire rings connected with three wire legs and bought it. By the way I did get the " Why do you need that for " comment from my H. With sparkle in my eyes I replied as always "I have got an idea". His reponse - Shake of the head and subtle roll of the eyes ( since I have bought many an items in hope to hack them into useful beautiful creations). On the ride back home I got it. I knew what I was going to do with it.

  • Tomato Cage ( $1.99. round one ...apparently there are square ones aswell..I guess you could use those)
  • Jute Roping ( $1.00. Found it in the dollar shop. You could use thin ribbons or nylon roping. Just make sure its strong since it has to hold the weight of the plant pot.
  • Scissors
  • Wire Cutter ( Need it to cut the top portion of the tomato cage. I did'nt have one so I bent the wire back and forth till it broke.

Steps to create:-
  • Cut the three wires right above the top circle. At the point dotted red. I did'nt have wire cutters so I bent it back and forth at that point till it broke. Please where some worker gloves so you don't hurt yourself.

  • Before Cut

  • After you cut the Tomato Cage:

  • You now have the frame in place. Take the jute roping and tie it to the bottom wire. Start twisting the jute around the wire and keep going until you have covered all of the wire with the jute.
  • Once all of the wire is covered with the jute your next step is to create an intricate pattern on the bottom and middle circles as I have done below.

  • The top circle will need a little more support to hold the plant. I weaved the top circle as shown below. If you don't want to put in the effort to weave the top circle you could also find a plate that would fit perfectly on the top circle.

  • Voila you're done. :)