CreativeDesign: Bejeweled Bird Feeder

Posted by Creative-Explosion | 12:48 PM

This idea came to me when I saw a take out salad container being thrown out into the trash by my H. I gave it a good wash with soapy water and decided to plan out how I would make it into a bird feeder. I could paint it, I figured but that didn't sound to special. Then the idea hit me as I swirled a beaded necklace around my neck with my finger. I had tons of plastic beads in my storage of junk. I could make a bejeweled bird feeder out of it. This is what I came up with.


-Clear rounded take out container.( you could use a round tupperware bowl with lid)
-Plastic beads ( mardigras type beads) - I used several colors: blue,green and black.
-Glue gun.
-Two new pencils
-thin flexable wire.
-Metal skewer.


-Using the metal skewer pock three holes at the bottom of the bowl. To make this easier I heated the skewer by putting it on direct fire for a seconds. The heat ed skewer will allow you to make the hole without breaking/bending the plastic container.

- Thread the metal wire through holes. This wire will be used to hang the bird feeder.

- Hot glue gun the lid to the bowl.

-Using the heated metal knife cut two half circles on opposite sides of the bowl. These will be the opening for the birds. I ran the heated knife across the cut edges so they would become dull and not hurt the birds.

- Using the heated metal skewer poke round hole below the half circle cuts on the both sides. This is where you will put the pencil so that the birds will have a perch to sit on while having their seeds.

- Once you insert the pencil into the hole hot glue gun it into place to secure it.

- Next using the glue gun start gluing on the beads to the bowl in whatever pattern you wish. I didn't choose a specific pattern and choose random beads.

- Once you have covered the whole bowl with beads you are done.